Saturday 27 June 2015

Difference between TEM and SEM.

Here's a difference between Scanning and Transition Electron Microscope.

              SEM                                                                                               TEM
Based on scattered or back scattered electrons             Based on capturing the transmitted electrons
that hit the sample and revert back.                              once they enter the sample.

Gives information about the sample surface                 Gives information about the morphology,
and composition, elemental analysis, etc.                      crystallization, stress, nanoparticles, etc.

No specific sample preparation is required.                   Sample preparation is tedious as thin films are                                                                                         required

Low resolution and magnification                                  High resolution and magnification.

Large amount of sample can be analysed at a                 A very small amount samples is analysed at
time.                                                                                 a time.

Used for surfaces, powders, polished and etc-                Used for imaging of dislocations, tiny
hed micro-structures and chemical                                  precipitates, grain boundaries, etc.

Images are seen on computer monitor.                             Images are seen on fluorescent screens.

Gives a 3D image.                                                             Gives a 2D image.

Hope it helps :D


Lots of Love



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