Saturday 11 July 2015

Difference between EMP pathway, ED pathway and HMP pathway.

Hello to all Microbiologists.
Today's topic of discussion is EMP pathway also known as glycolysis, Entner Doudroff  (ED) Pathway and Hexose Monophosphate shunt pathway(HMP).

The reason for discussing these pathways together is, that they are all somewhat related. So comparing and studying them together will make the concepts clear.

So let's get started and get over with it fast :p

EMP Pathway                                             ED Pathway                                   HMP Pathway

Generates 2 mols of ATP             1 molecule of ATP per glucose             No ATPs generated    
per glucose molecule.                   molecule

End products: pyruvate or            Pyruvate or phosphoglycerald               Fructose 6 phosphate and
lactic acid.                                    ehyde (PGLAD).                                    (PGLAD).

Intermediates consists of              Contains only 6 C sugars                      Intermediates consists of
3 and 6 carbon sugars.                                                                                3 C,4 C, 5 C and 6 C sugars

Follows anaerobic break              Oxidative breakdown of sugars
down of sugars.                            and sugar acids.

Pathway divided into pre-            Pathway not divided into any               Pathway divided into oxidat-
parative phase and pay-                phases.                                                  ive irreversible and non-oxi-
off phase                                                                                                     dative reversible phase.

Does not generates any                Same                                                     Generates 2 molecules of
reducing power molecule                                                                           NADPH+ and H+.

Begins with utilization of             Can utilize glucose, gluconic               Begins with utilization of
glucose as a substrate.                  acid, mannonic acid(sugar acids)         Glucose-6-Phosphate.

Universal pathway follo-             Specialized pathway followed by         Followed in eukaryotic adi-
wed by plants animals and           certain bacteria like Pseudomonas,      pose tissue, adrenal cortex
microbes.                                      Xanthomonas and Azotobacter.           and mammary glands.

Hope it helps you.
Unfold the mystery of Biochemistry and you will enjoy it more.
Lots of Love

Related posts : Feeder's Pathway for Glycolysis
                        Fates of Pyruvate after Glycolysis - EMP Pathway
                        Difference between Lactic acid fermentation and Butyric acid fermentation


  1. Thank you so much.
    This really help me.
    May you will be blessed

  2. Amazinggggg🤗🤗🤗...
    Expecting such type of more articles from u...which help us


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