Friday 14 August 2015

Levels of structural Organisation

Hello everyone,

Today I will be writing a brief description of Levels of structural Organisation

The human body is incredibly complex but it does have an underlying organization. Learning this organizational structure can really help you visualize and understand how the human body is built and how it functions. 

In unicellular (single-celled) organisms, the single cell performs all life functions. It functions independently. However, multicellular (many celled) organisms have various levels of organization within them. Individual cells may perform specific functions and also work together for the good of the entire organism. The cells become dependent on one another.

The levels of organization start at the most basic level and end at the most complex  level, from the  cellular level to the  whole organism.  Let's start working our way down through these levels.
Multicellular organisms have the following 6 levels of organization ranging from simplest to most complex, these include

  1. Chemical level;
  2. Cellular level; 
  3. Tissue level; 
  4. Organ level; 
  5. System; and 
  6. Organism
Levels of structural Organization in Human body can be can be Compared to to the written language tools which we commonly use in daily life
  1. Chemical level : Includes atoms organized into molecules (example: DNA, glucose) . Atoms and Molecules can be Compared to LETTERS of  Alphabet.
  2. Cellular level: molecules are organized into cells which are the basic structural and functional living units an organism (example: muscle cells, nerve cells, blood cells) .Cellular level  can be compared to a WORD. Cells, the smallest living units in the human body can be compared with WORDS, the smallest Element of language.
  3. Tissue level: are organized into tissues to perform a particular function .Tissue level can be compared to a SENTENCE. Cells join together to form tissues similar to the way words are put together to form SENTENSES
  4. Organ level : Structures that are composed of 2 or more different types of tissues, that have specific functions and usually have recognizable shapes (example: liver, stomach, heart, lungs, brain) . Organ level can be compared to a PARAGRAPH. Tissue join  together to form organs similar to the way sentences are put together to form PARAGRAPHS.
  5. System level or organ-system level :consists of related organs with a common function
    (example: digestive system, which breaks down and absorbs food, and includes the mouth, salivary glands, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gallbladder and pancreas). System level can be compared to a CHAPTER. Organs join together to form systems similar to the way paragraphs are put to form CHAPTERS.
  6. Organism level: all the systems are structurally integrated and function cooperatively to constitute the total organism (example: the human body) .The Organism level can be compared to a BOOK. Systems join together to form an Organism similar to the way chapters are put together to form a BOOK.
Here's a Mnemonic to remember Levels of Structural Organization in human body
In summary Levels of Structural Organization are 
Atom Molecule Macro-molecules  Organelles  Cell  Tissue  Organ  Organ system  Organisms

Auguti Mouse Mated Once Creating Transgenic Organism Oneby One

With Love

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