Monday 29 June 2015

A Tribute to Microbiology

Hello every one , 

In my last post I have mentioned that Microbiology is interesting, the reasons behind that will be mentioned below 

Many people feel that this subject is boring because they cannot appreciate some of the facts. but i  can guarantee you all that after reading this you will not think so .
Microbiology is the study of living organisms that are invisible to the naked eye, such as bacteria and fungi. Though not living organisms, viruses also are studied by microbiologists.
Though many people tend to group them together, there are many different types of microbiology. Medical microbiology is perhaps the most well-known because it deals with the roles that microbes have in human illness. Other types include veterinary microbiology, environmental microbiology, food microbiology and pharmaceutical microbiologyMicrobiology deals with many subjects, such as the similarities and differences between different groups of organisms and also with how microorganisms have evolved and led to multi cellular life . 

All these deal with the way microbes or microorganisms affect animals, the environment, the food supply and the health care industry. Microbes are everywhere, but we can’t see them. These mysterious microscopic organisms play a very important role in our lives. Some make us sick but many more are helpful.

Microbiology is a vast subject which overlaps with other life sciences such as genetics, biochemistrymolecular biology and even engineering. Microbiologists can be found at work in many different places. Real world applications for microbiology include: comparing relatedness of different species to which ones are evolutionary older (genetics) as well as understanding the evolution and spread of microorganisms today.As there are many different types of microbes,  there are many different types of microbiologists: bacteriologists, mycologists (who study fungi) and virologists - all working within even smaller areas of specialization; the variations are endless!

Microbiology is really fun!

Why is it interesting?

  • It's not as abstract as most sciences are. It's a subject in which each time you study you will get a new matter to learn and thus the interest never ends.
  • Microorganisms not only have a huge impact but are literally everywhere, covering all the surfaces of your body and in every natural and urban habitat.        
  • In nature, microorganisms contribute to biogeochemical cycling, as well as turnover of material in soil and aquatic habitats.
  • Some are important plant symbionts (organisms that live in intimate contact with their host, with mutual benefit for both organisms) whereas others are important pathogens (organisms that cause disease) of both plants and animals.
  • You can grow Bacteria and Fungi in lab (isn’t it amazing). Different microbes show different pattern , pigment , shape , size etc which are fun to look at
  • You can relate and use the information in your daily life (even if you don’t have    any knowledge about the subject).
  • Microbiological experiments are fun to learn, looks like magic as growth only seen after 24hrs. You get to grow stuff... it wasn't there one day and the next you've grown a colony of toe bacteria... who knew I carry around so much bacteria.
  • Also can study about different types of Disease, their symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment etc.
  • Also get to know about your body’s immune system.
  • You can also get to know what process take place  in your genetic level. 
  • while some microbes due to association of microbes with various human illness, many microbes are also responsible for numerous beneficial process such as industrial fermentation (e.g the production of alcohol, vinegar and dairy products). 

Thank you
with love,

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