Wednesday 9 September 2015

High voltage drama during animal cell culture

Heyo everyone, today the story I will be narrating is the one from my diary.  Unlike my usual incidents, this one is from my graduation years. 
We were about to have a workshop on animal cell culture in my college and my entire batch was excited about it, with my excitement going of the roof. I can't tell you how much I was looking forward for this ATC workshop. Because animal cell culturing is something sophisticated for any microbiologist according to me. It is that one activity that gives you a feeling that a boy has when he has a feeling of being grown up, a feeling that a bud has when it's about to bloom, a feeling that a seed has when it's about to sprout. 

Oh will you just shut crap and tell us the actual story minus your melodramatic exaggeration

:x Alright
I think you get the point. All I meant was I was very excited, more than I was during PTC. 
So finally the big day arrived. I wore my best dress for the day, tied up my hair into a soft updo, slipped into my pumps.. 

I reached the college and the workshop started. Our HOD from the biotech department was giving some briefing before starting with the actual practical. It was decided that first we will be demonstrated the technique and then each student will carry out the same. 
She took an egg out of the box which to my surprise was unusually brownish in color. As I am a pure vegetarian I knew least about different varieties of egg and I didn't knew what was about to come. Our professor, after candling, sterilizing,etc. broke it carefully with a scalpel. Everyone surrounded the table with our eyes popped out. And then for the next step, she took a sterilized forceps and shoved it inside the egg and our eyes got bigger. It felt like she was rotating the forcep inside the egg and I don't know if it was only me who didn't knew what was happening.
Suddenly the forcep came out with a brown thing hanging at the end of it. It was the chick embryo:(
It did all futile attempts to free itself but his bad luck.
But, this is just 1% of the cruelty that was done to the poor embryo. Without wasting any time, the professor took a scalpel and immediately chopped out it's head. And all of a sudden I shouted 'don't'.
To which she casually answered - "What?? We need only the body"
And she chopped of it's limbs too. Putting all the chopped parts into the discard, she mashed the entire body, till it became a paste. I just couldn't concentrate on the further steps after that. All the time, I was thinking about the poor embryo and exactly the same thing was about to be done to 20 ill-fated embryos. And just the thought made my eyes wet. And the wet eyes started to overflow when I had to do it myself. Literally my hands were shaking while I had to bring the embryo out. Though it looked effortless when the professor did it, it was not an easy job. Everytime I inseted the forcep in, the embryo used to dunk down to protect itself from the invading monster. That's when my teacher saw me crying and all my friends came to know about it.

Man, the last thing I want to do in public is CRY and put my weaknesses at display.
Yes, we are Microbiologists and we will all have to do it at some point in our career. Though I have studied so many types of cell lines, the bitter practical behind it made me very sad. Maybe it was my first time and hence I couldn't handle it. The more times we do it, the more we keep getting used to it.

So that's it abut the sad story.
But to make a happy ending we will end it with a high six, Yeah.

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