Monday 21 September 2015

How to remember (HTR) Functions carried by Cerebrum.

Heyo fellows.
I don't know about you but remembering brazilian function of brain it a bit difficult for me.
Why do you keep saying Brazilian. Stop it for...Brazil's sake.
Well I told ya that brazilian is my new trend like some people who say zillion, gazillion etc. And who's Brazil anyway?
You idiot, it's a country.
Anyway, this post is long, so let's cut the PG.

So talking about cerebrum, it is the largest part of our brain and occupies about 2/3rd space of the skull.
A fast insight into the structure:
Incompletely divided into two hemispheres by a longitudinal fissure.
The hemispheres are connected by a transverse bridge called...hell!...
Oh yeah, corpus callosum.
They have a cavity called lateral ventricles I and II which contain CSF.
Each hemisphere shows two sections:

  • Cerebral cortex - made up of grey matter (Fifty shades of me looking got me looking, crazy right now) Seriously this damn brain!
  • Cerebral medulla - Made up of white matter.
It has gyri ( elevation) and sulci (depression) which determine your IQ.
HTR - Sulk, in a way means sad which causes depression.

Now, Functions:
1. Frontal lobe:
General motors area: controls voluntary muscle movements.
Motor speech area/Broca's area: controls movement required to produce speech.
Premotor area: Controls fine movements and involuntary muscle movements.
Association area: Controls intelligence, memory, learning thinking, etc.
HTR - Basically what I see here is Frontal lobe is contolling everything. So we can remember it as "A boss or a leader always moves in Front and Controls his team.

2. Parietal lobe:
General sensory area: receives impulses of touch, temperature, pain and pressure.
Sensory speech area: Understands speech.
Gustatory area: Receives impulses for taste.
Association area: helps in usage of correct words.
HTW - Remember this comes next to frontal lobe ie. it is the team of the boss and hence always receives and understands his orders and helps him.

3. Occipital lobe:
Visual area: Receives impulses for vision.
HTR - Imagine an octopus with many eyes.

4. Temporal lobes:
Auditory area: Receives impulses for hearing.
Olfactory area: Receives impulses for smell.
HTR - Imagine a person with bad temper which throws out fumes from his nose and ears when angry.

Hope my lame mnemonic helps :p
High six.
-Staph :D

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