Monday 28 September 2015

Tips to write methodology in proposal

Heyo everyone.. 
Today is our day. The struggler's day. The Wanderer's day. The Warrior's day. The Striver's Day.

And today the topic that we will be discussing is methodology for proposal. 
First thing that we need to force in though our skull is, methodology in proposal is way different than the materials and methods written in the thesis and is also a lot easier.

Because proposal is something that you will be required to give before your research starts. Many a times people do start with their research first and then start with the proposal, which is also okay. But whether you have started with the research or you haven't, while checking a proposal the examiner believes the you haven't started or just started. And that is why you only need to give an idea about what you will be doing in the research.

What is Methodology? 
Methodology more or less means a plan of work. Nobody expects any detailed or specific protocols from you in the methodology like we do in our thesis.  You will be just expected to give a flow so that the examiner gets a clear picture of what you will be doing in your project. 

Do I need to stick to my methodology? 
No. If you can, then it's good. If you cannot then also it's good. But at least 60% of what you mention in your proposal should be there in the research. If you have done something that you didn't mention in your proposal that's even better. If at all you are unable to do a few steps that you mentioned in your methodology due to time constrain or any other reason, that is fine. In fact, if your research ultimately turns out to be something totally different than your proposal, do not worry. Nobody is going to shoot you, until the results hold significance.
For eg, if you mention in your proposal that you will be isolating  Bacillus for xyz purpose and you later on find out that your best isolate is not Bacillus but S.aureus, then it's totally alright.

What if the tests I mentioned in my proposal did not work out in my research?
That's okay too. That is the beauty of methodology. Do not panic. As I mentioned before, while making your proposal you do not know whether a certain test will work out or no. This is what a 'research' means. But if you are willing to do it, do not hesitate to mention in your methodology. Later on if the test didn't came positive during your research, do not get upset. Record the negative results, they hold a lot of significance too. 

How do I write my Methodology?
Though the methodology in the proposal is not a sort of 10 commandments that you need to follow, it does not mean that you can go out putting anything you like. Before making a proposal analyse your research thoroughly. Try including only those steps that you are sure you will be able to carry out in the given time span.
Make it simple and a free language.
No detailed protocols.
No specific weights or proportions.
Do not mention any specific or particular expected outcomes. Keep it general, so that it is open to future changes.

Lastly, I would say that while the methodology in proposal is not a compulsion, try that you do not change the entire aim of the research :p

I hope this eases your confusions.
Lots of love and high six.
-Staph <3

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